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Clinic Profile

The Paediatric Occupational Therapy Unit of Famagusta General Hospital of the Department of Mental Health Services of SHSO, provides on a daily basis occupational therapy interventions to infants, children and adolescents who are facing difficulties that hinder their normal development.

The paediatric occupational therapy approach is based on the active participation of children in daily tasks. To this effect, children’s ‘occupation’ is considered the range of regular daily activities of childhood such as play, school, social, self-care and leisure activities.

The occupational therapy process begins with the compilation of the medical and developmental history of the child or adolescent, from the information provided by their parents or guardians. Information is also obtained regarding the child’s level of participation and limitations in daily life activities. Next, the therapeutic goals and the plan of intervention are determined on a personalised basis that is specific and appropriate for each child. The active participation of the child is very important during all phases of the treatment and decision-making process.

Therapeutic interventions can be implemented in the form of individual or group sessions and aim to successfully engage the child in functional activities and daily tasks that are important for both the child and the family. The interventions employ regular daily activities and play to achieve the therapeutic goals and simultaneously the development of sensory-motor, cognitive, perceptual and psychosocial skills. They are tailored according to the child-adolescent’s age, developmental level, level of functional difficulties and other factors.

When deemed necessary, therapeutic interventions are delivered in the community in order to organise a better environment for the child-adolescent and provide guidance to their parents or guardians. The interventions in the community aim at delivering the optimal treatment to any difficulties that the child is facing while strengthening his/her skills in his/her natural living environments (home, school, neighbourhood). The above offer the opportunity to the children to meet at an adequate level the demands of their natural environment and participate equitably, with other children of their age, in various activities that they are expected, need or wish to be involved in. The ultimate goal of occupational therapy is to achieve the maximum possible level of independence of the child -adolescent and his/her integration into various social settings.

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