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The Anaesthesiology Department of the Famagusta General Hospital has operated since the establishment of the Hospital in 2007 with three operating rooms and state-of-the-art equipment. The Clinic is staffed with five highly experienced and established anaesthesiologists who provide their services to all age groups of patients, from new-borns to elderly, while respecting the specific needs of each group. The Clinic also employs highly experienced nursing staff.


The Anaesthesiology specialty requires scientific, medical but at the same time skill and experience in the application of its methods and techniques in clinical practice. Guided by the latter principles the aim of the Clinic is the provision of perioperative care that meets the highest standards in terms of Safety and Quality.

Areas of activity

The main area of the Anaesthesiology department’s activities are the three modern operating theatres in which daily surgical operations take place: two prescheduled and one for emergencies. Such procedures include cases of general, orthopaedic, gynaecological/obstetric, urological and plastic surgery. The department is in position to offer all methods of anaesthesia: General Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia (spinal, epidural, and combined anaesthesia) and Peripheral Nerve Blocks.

The Department of Anaesthesiology is also active in various non-surgical areas, including the Preanesthetic Evaluation Office, the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), the Chronic Pain Office, Acute Pain Service, A&E, CT, Endoscopic Units, Nursing Wards, and others.

Duties and responsibilities of the Anaesthesiology Department:

Preanesthetic Evaluation, Administration of General Anaesthesia, Regional Anaesthesia, and Peripheral Nerve Blocks, Intraoperative monitoring, Postoperative monitoring in the recovery room, Management of acute postoperative pain, Management of chronic pain, Patient care outside the operating room, such as endoscopies, High-Dependency Unit (HDU), A&E, CT etc. Transportation of severely ill patients, Assessment and management of patients with mechanical and automatic support in the ICU, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in all Departments including the A&E, Placement of central and peripheral lines, Placement of central venous catheters for haemodialysis, Monitoring of patients on mechanical ventilation in home care, Performance of diagnostic Lumbar Punctures in the Departments, Tracheostomy tube replacement.

Educational and Scientific Work

The department’s educational programme includes lectures and studies (Case Reports) on a weekly and monthly basis.

In addition, a number of presentations of the department’s work or other anaesthesiology related lectures are presented annually at various scientific conferences or symposiums.

The department participates in the training programme of the students of the European University of Cyprus Medical School in the field of Anaesthesiology. Protocols and guidelines are implemented in collaboration with other clinics in our hospital.